Hi, I am Brian and I am nineteen years old. When I finished my high school (DSE) in Hong Kong, I decided to chase my dream to be an engineer in the future. The difficulty is that I have never studied any physics subjects. Someone said that it is very tough for a student with a non physics background to study physics anywhere, but I believed that I could do it, and my parents and my agent (Joshua) are fully support my decision. Therefore, I chose to study the University of Adelaide’s foundation course in Australia. After the seven months of the university foundation, I chose to study in Newcastle University in England for my university life.
My accommodation is to live in the homestay family. My homestay family is really nice as they would spend their leisure time to tackle my homework and homesick problem. When they feel free, I would try to chat with them and politely ask them to improve homework quality. Also, they also teach me to have a positive attitude in anytime. When you have many homework, you may feel under pressure. I am thankful about I had a good homestay family in Adelaide.
One of my concerns is that my result cannot reach standard of university so I would spend plenty of time to practice and think the physic homework and lecture notes in the weekend. Some internet materials and books can help me to understand it. The worst case is that if I am not able to understand the physic concept and idea, I would like to ask my physic teacher after school.