【學生及家長分享】Sheryl NG

University of Exeter

Foundation studies
Bachelor of Arts (Accounting & Finance)

After completing the A level education, I decided to pursue my study out of Hong Kong. I seek advice from Access Academic Consultancy (AAC) and visited their office many times. The consultant was patience and informative, gave me a lot of useful advice that helped me making a right decision on my pathway.

Eventually, I chose to study the Business Foundation course in UK. At the beginning, it was a little hard for me to adapt to a different environment and to be independent for everything, but soon I got immersed in British life. Life in UK is peaceful and relaxing which makes a good condition for studying. The school is supportive and offers a lot of assistance when students need. Studying with multinational students was a new experience to me, I met a lot of friends from different races and walks of life. My horizons got widened when we communicate. We supported and learnt from each other in our studies. My English level got improved remarkably due to increased exposure. I definitely enjoy studying in the UK, meeting various challenges and exposing to a different culture that helps me grow up.

After completion of the course, I got accepted by the University of Exeter and I am going to be an undergraduate student in BA Accounting and Finance next year.

Here I wanted to express my gratitude to AAC who is always supportive and cares about me in my study life in UK. I am sure my experience in studying in UK will very much help me in my future life and career. Hope you all will enjoy UK as much as I do and wish you all the very best.University of Exeter