I still remember back when in July 2017, when I felt lost and undecided about where to study for undergraduate. I went on to find AAC, and took their advices to study in the UK, specifically in Lancaster University. I started studying in the Foundation program that they provided. The program allowed me to get used to the style of university life before actually start studying in University.
Not only did the Foundation program taught me the styles of work that University is looking for, I also took it as an opportunity for me to get used to the changes in daily life compared to when I was back in Hong Kong. In comparison, I had to get my hands on things that would’ve otherwise been done by my helpers. I have also become much more responsible and developed initiative to solve problems when they appear.
The Foundation program for me was not difficult at all, as the study group provides great help and assistance to students in need. One of the examples would be that I have never studied Economics before. However, with the help of the professors and tutors there, I quickly picked up the elements of it and gradually developed strong understanding on the subject; therefore prevailing at last. Despite foundation doesn’t sound very professional, that others may think it is a waste of money or another pass to get into University, I have definitely gained more from the program than I have expected.