我係最後一屆既HKCEE, 對每一個人黎講個段時期真係好多pressure,仲有我知自己會考得吾好,所以就決定左黎Brisbane 継續我既學業。簡Brisbane呢個地方,因為呢度俾Sydney and Melbourne會比較有時間concentrate個學業。
沒有親人在身邊,好多事和物都要親力親為,for example洗衫,執房etc…從而學會了獨立!~我已經係Brisbane生活左3年既時間啦!考完HKCEE就過左黎讀high school, 雖然我係HK完成左Form 5,但我都決定係high school由Year 10開始,打反好的英文基礎。The differences between HK 就係 依度的high school 吾會好似HK 咁多pressure, 只要肯交assignment on time就有分,同埋溫exams,仲有我地都有English Second Language Support, 而且都係小班教學,最重要係的teacher好比心機教。我係high school 讀到Year 12 Term 1就決定轉去其他院校-Griffith College. 因為係Year 12 Term 3 要考QCS, 仲有Year 11 and Year 12 既成績會呈分,入大學。
During Year 12 Term 1, 我好努力搵information睇下邊間院校既entry requirement 岩我。最後我決定左Griffith College! 在High school and Griffith College 兩邊吾知點選擇情況下,AAC- Joshua Tang gave me lots of opinions for which side is the best one to suit me.
係岩岩既10月頭,我就完成左Certificate IV- Semester 1. 最大的分別同high school就係一定要go to each lectures, 仲有hand in assignment on time就一定有分,同埋lecturer好有heart but要主動去搵,佢地吾會坐係度等你!同學都比較mature than high school. 最重要係溫埋exam, 就一定pass.
Joshua Tang is a full of experience consultant and I am strongly recommend for anyone. Although I am in Brisbane, he still keeps contact with me and he also concerns my studying and always encourages me.